If life was simple, the verb to know would translate to znát in Czech and that would be it. But life is not that simple. And so is not the translation of this verb. There are 3 possible translations to Czech. Let's look at them.
Znát + akuzativ
To know something/somebody well or in detail. To be familiar with somebody/something.
Znám dobrý film - I know a good movie
Znám dobrou knihu - I know a good book
Znám pana Nováka - I know Mr. Novák
To know a fact, where/who/how/what/why.... something or somebody is.
Vědět, že prší - To know that it's raining
Vím, kdo jsi - I know who you are
Víš, co jsi udělal? - Do you know what did you do?
Ví, jak...? - Does he know how...?
Víme, kdy...? - Do we know when...?
Víte, proč...? - Do you know why...?
Ví, s čím/s kým...? - Do they know with whom... with what...?
Vědět, jestli sněží - To know whether it's snowing
Used with skills, abilities, and languages.
a) Umět + infinitiv
Umím plavat - I know how to swim, I can swim
Umím zpívat - I know how to sing, I can sing
b) Umět + cizí jazyk
Umím česky - I speak Czech
Umím španělsky - I speak Spanish
Learn more in my YouTube post!
Happy learning!
Eliška :)